Thursday, February 23, 2012

you are sure of getting the real deal

With the increasing popularity of Dooney and Bourke handbags, many illegal replicas of the handbags have started flooding the market. Many women are easily duped by these fake bags. So, how can you avoid buying fake Dooney and Bourke handbags? Well, first always pay attention to the logo tag upfront on the bag. This tag will be a clear indication of whether or not the bag is a fake. If the seams on the tag are not stitched with the same thread as the seams of the bag, then chances are that the bag is a fake. Most Dooney and Bourke handbags have a trim that is made of tan leather. Also the handles of the purse are also made of the same British tan leather. If the color of the trims and handles of the bag you are planning to buy is any other color, then the bag is most definitely a fake. The metal details on all vintage

Dooney and Bourke handbags are made of brass, while the newer models have nickel details. If you see a hint of any other metal, then the bag is most definitely a fake. The handle or the zipper will have a key fob which should have capitalized alphabets D & B interlocked, with the name of the company engraved underneath it. A sure shot method of ascertaining whether or not the bag is a fake is to check inside the bag for a leather duck logo and a registration number beneath the leather seam. Ensure that the registration number is in the colors, red, white and blue. If you find these handbags in brighter colors, check for any signs of faking as Dooney and Bourke generally tend to have conservative designs and colors for their handbags, though they have in recent times launched collections that gravitate towards the brighter shades in order to appeal to a younger crowd. To avoid being taken for a ride and being embarrassed by the duplicity of the bag at a later stage, always buy Dooney and Bourke handbags from a Dooney and Bourke handbags outlet. With authorized dealers you are sure of getting the real deal.

While speaking about women fashion and accessories, purse hangers or hooks are handy and stylish options. In order to make a simple functional purse hanger, you will require sturdy metal hook, super glue, cutter, file, plier and a small circular mirror (with metal border) to use as the head of the purse hanger. You can also opt for other head designs like animal prints and clear crystals. Bend the metal to form a hook style, making sure that it has a wide table clearance. In simpler terms, the space between the two ends of the hook are wide enough to fit on any type of table. A standard purse hook available in the market has a table clearance of about 1.5 to 2 inch. Such a purse hanger cannot be used for hanging in tables that have 2.5 inch thickness. Hence, for increasing versatility of the purse hanger that you are making, keep the clearance width to about 2.5 inch.

Using super glue, fix the circular mirror at one end of the hook. Ensure that it will not fall off while hanging the purse. File the ends of the hook for making them smooth. With this, you have completed making your purse hanger hook. For checking, put the purse hook and hang your purse. If necessary, you can adjust the shape of the hook. Purse hangers can also be a unique personalized gift item. You can create custom-designed purse hangers, which can be a unique gift idea, that you can try out for your near and dear ones.. It can also be gifted separately or along with a purse. In the latter case, you friend will cherish your gift whenever she uses both the purse and the purse hanger.

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