Thursday, August 30, 2012

is powerful and wanted to control the house

American Politics

Amercan is one of the most powerful countries in the world. when it comes to producing decent people who is cable of running this country with grace, respect and dignity we just don't have. Four years ago Obama was elected president of the United States, to lead our country out of the economic crisis that The former George Bush Left. Obama job has been never easy because of who he was, he was a Black man elected to the most powerful office in the world,"The White House". No one never thought that a Black man would ever be elected to rule basicaly our Country. The Republican in Washington Dc, is powerful and wanted to control the house, the senate and Washington. The leadership of Obama is in question because of the Republicans who are unwilling to agree with the opinions of the president. The president is always judged by the Republicans or trying to stop him for doing his job. I believe that the Republican can't except their chief and leaderis a Black man. A few months ago watching the debates was funny watching the candidates destory the integnity of each other. Newt Gingrich said that Romney was one of the worst Republican he had ever seen running for President when he was at the top of the poll. Newt, wanted poor children to clean up their schools, doing janitior work, while the middle class children stayed home and studied. Bachman another Candidate supports Mitt Romney the Former Governor of The Bay State. Being Governor Of Massachusetts Romney raised taxes, cut programs that benefited the poor and was willing to put more money in Day care so that mothers could go to work, bec ause staying at home was not classified a job. The State of Massachusettes Residents was glad to see Mitt Romney pack up his bags and leave the Bay State. Why Mitt Romney thinks that he can run the United States when he couldn't do his job in Boston. He already stated that he was not worried about the poor people , the middlde class was what concerned him. The poor could be fixed he said smiling. Obama has made history by being the first Black man in History to be the president of this country and reguardless to what this made and impact on the State of Washington Dc. Obama is not a perfect president but he trieshis best to do a good with the Republican blocking and forcing his hand. :

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